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Interface id: 0x2464f17b

Previous interface id that is still supported: 0x0d23ecb9



Function to let the creator add a story to the collection they have created

Depending on the implementation, this function may be restricted in various ways, such as limiting the number of times the creator may write a story.

This function MUST emit the CollectionStory event each time it is called

This function MUST implement logic to restrict access to only the creator

function addCollectionStory(string calldata creatorName, string calldata story) external;


creatorNamestringString representation of the creator's name
storystringThe story written and attached to the token id


Function to let the creator add a story to any token they have created

Depending on the implementation, this function may be restricted in various ways, such as limiting the number of times the creator may write a story.

This function MUST emit the CreatorStory event each time it is called

This function MUST implement logic to restrict access to only the creator

This function MUST revert if a story is written to a non-existent token

function addCreatorStory(uint256 tokenId, string calldata creatorName, string calldata story) external;


tokenIduint256The token id to which the story is attached
creatorNamestringString representation of the creator's name
storystringThe story written and attached to the token id


Function to let collectors add a story to any token they own

Depending on the implementation, this function may be restricted in various ways, such as limiting the number of times a collector may write a story.

This function MUST emit the Story event each time it is called

This function MUST implement logic to restrict access to only the owner of the token

This function MUST revert if a story is written to a non-existent token

function addStory(uint256 tokenId, string calldata collectorName, string calldata story) external;


tokenIduint256The token id to which the story is attached
collectorNamestringString representation of the collectors's name
storystringThe story written and attached to the token id



Event describing a collection story getting added to a contract

This event stories creator stories on chain in the event log that apply to an entire collection

event CollectionStory(address indexed creatorAddress, string creatorName, string story);


creatorAddressaddressThe address of the creator of the collection
creatorNamestringString representation of the creator's name
storystringThe story written and attached to the collection


Event describing a creator story getting added to a token

This events stores creator stories on chain in the event log

event CreatorStory(uint256 indexed tokenId, address indexed creatorAddress, string creatorName, string story);


tokenIduint256The token id to which the story is attached
creatorAddressaddressThe address of the creator of the token
creatorNamestringString representation of the creator's name
storystringThe story written and attached to the token id


Event describing a collector story getting added to a token

This events stores collector stories on chain in the event log

event Story(uint256 indexed tokenId, address indexed collectorAddress, string collectorName, string story);


tokenIduint256The token id to which the story is attached
collectorAddressaddressThe address of the collector of the token
collectorNamestringString representation of the collectors's name
storystringThe story written and attached to the token id